JOE QUINCY: 21 AQHA halter points ROM Halter Larry Larson showed him as a yearling to numerous class wins, but unfortunately no points were awarded to yearlings at that time. The following year Joe Quincy went on to earn 21 halter points and multiple grands under Brad Shaw. As an older horse he made a nice calf horse. He stamped his offspring and to this day you can walk through a horse sale and pick out his descendants by their pretty heads and swan necks – even three-and-four generations later. SIRE OF: BLUEBOY QUINCY & MCKEAG.
SIR QUINCY DAN: 20 AQHA halter points. Sired 947 AQHA foals (1972-1996) with 332 performers, including 17 AQHA Champions, 8 World Champions, 4x World Champions, Superior Halter & Performance, ROM Arena. Article from the Quarter Horse Journal, 1977, written by Jim Jennings: "Following in the footsteps of his sire, Sir Quincy Dan's foals had earned 589 halter points and 371 performance points. But that's not where the real glory lies. Back in 1974 the AQHA established a World Championship Quarter Horse Show. For the first time in history a world champion in each event was to be named. And when the dust settled at the end of the show, Opie's Pride by Quincy Dan, was the World Champion Aged Mare. The following year, the best in the country again journeyed to Louisville, Kentucky, for the second championship show. A week later, Sheza Cover Girl by Sir Quincy Dan was the World Champion Yearling Filly, and Quincy Rose Ann by Quincy Dan was the World Champion Junior Cutting horse. In 1976, at the third such championship show, Opie's Raquel by Sir Quincy Dan was the World Champion Two-Year-Old Filly, and at the end of the year, Sheza Cover Girl became the high-point junior halter horse of the nation with 173 points. "The way last year ended, it kind of made a man wonder which one is the best," Dan said, "with one bring world champion and the other the high-point horse."
TINKY JOE ANN: 8 AQHA Halter Points, 22 Youth performance Points, Dam of Halter and Performance Point earners.
CASA WAR BOND: AQHA Champion Sire.
QUINCY DAN: 68 AQHA halter points Superior Halter Sired 178 AQHA foals (1964-1971) with 82 performers (46%) including 11 AQHA Champions, 23 Show ROMs, Superior Race, Halter & Performance, Race & Performance ROM, World Champion, AQHA High Point earners, NCHA Money-earners, Race Money-earners 53 of his offspring earned 1,612 halter points 21 were ROM earners, and performance earners tallied 905 points.
SANETA: AQHA Champion offspring, Superior Performance & Arena ROMS.
TINKY JOE: 87.5% Foundation. ROM Race Offspring, AQHA Champion Offspring, ROM Arena Offspring, APHA Champion Offspring.
MAGNOLIA BAR: AQHA Champion, SI-100, SW, Race ROM, 12-4-0-2, $7,180. 1962 LA 350 1ST INAUGURAL HANDICAP, 1962 LA 440 3RD PACIFIC COAST QHRA DERBY, H-25/P-20, 1963 OPEN AQHA CHAMPION. Sire of Supreme Champion Magnolia Pay, 1967 Honor Roll Halter Horse Roxana Bar, Superior Halter Horse Kidnap Bar, and multiple ROM Arena, Superior Halter, AAA Runners, and AQHA Champions.
BONANZAS CHAMP: 13 AQHA performance points, ROM Performance in Western Pleasure/ Hunter Under Saddle. Sired ROM Show: Jack Pot Bonanza(70)out of Jack Pots Cowgirl. Sire of 351 AQHA foals with 93 performers earning a total of 2,297 AQHA points: 615 points were earned in halter 1, Amateur Halter ROM 3, Amateur Performance ROM 13, Open Performance ROM 8, Youth Performance ROM 1, Open AQHA Champion 2, Youth AQHA Champions. NRHA $4,755.04, NCHA $70.76. 2 Amateur Superiors in Performance, 9 Open Superiors in Performance, 2 Youth Superiors in Performance.
POLLYANNA POCO: Dam of ROM Show: Commando Poco (1969) by Commander King.
TWO EYED JACK: AQHA HALL OF FAME. The leading all time Sire of American Quarter Horse Association Champions. 217 AQHA halter points, 65.5 performance points, ROM Halter, Superior Halter, ROM Performance, Superior Performance, AQHA Champion, AQHA Hall of Fame. Sire of 1,416 AQHA foals in 16 crops (1964-1980) with 563 performers, Earning 15,698 Halter points & 21,336 Performance Points, 314 ROM, 149 AQHA Championships, Open & Youth, 3 Supreme Championships, 74 Sup. Halter & 82 Sup. Performance, 23 World Championships, 10 Reserve Championships, 13 Hi-Pt, NCHA-$1,334, PBHA-64 halt. & 76 Perf. pts., IBHA-2 halt. & 2 Perf. pts. Bred by H H Mass, McHenry, IL Owned by Howard Pitzer, Pitzer Ranch. AQHA article: Two Eyed Jack and Howard Pitzer are so closely connected in Quarter Horse fame that you can not really talk about one without mentioning the other. Two Eyed Jack was Quarter Horse stock from his cannons to his crest, and every inch of muscle in between. He was foaled in 1961 and was by Two D Two out of Triangle Tookie by Grey Badger III. As a yearling, Two Eyed Jack was undefeated at halter throughout the Midwest, winning all 13 of his classes and taking seven grand champion titles. He won seven more grands as a 2-year-old, taking 16 of the 17 halter classes in which he was entered. On top of that, he earned four western pleasure points. In 1964, Two Eyed Jack wrapped up an AQHA Champion title and Superior honors in halter, in addition to earning points in western pleasure. Eventually, Two Eyed Jack earned 217 halter points and 70 grand champions. He also earned performance points in western pleasure, hunter under saddle, reining, working cow horse and western riding. Jack was in and out of the show ring until 1979. By then, his career as a halter and performance horse – impressive as it was – was already being upstaged by the achievements of his get. Two Eyed Jack sired 1,416 horses, which accounted for 17,029 points in AQHA showing. Of them, 14 became AQHA World Champions, while seven became AJQHA World Champions. He sired the very first AQHA Superhorse, Vickie Lee Pine, and nearly 100 of his foals placed at the AQHA World Championship Show. Twenty-five became open high-point winners, while 55 were reserve high-point horses eight were youth high-point winners and 29 finished reserve in those ranks. They account for 242 open Registers of Merit, 66 youth ROMs and six amateur ROMs. Sixty-nine became Superior performance horses. But perhaps the most staggering number is 119 – the number of open AQHA Champions sired by Two Eyed Jack.
CHUBBY RACHELLE: 28 AQHA halter points, 13.5 performance points ROM Halter ROM Performance.
BEE PLAY: AQHA Show. H-49/P-0, ROM Halter. Sired ROM Race, Sired ROM Show.
WAR BOND LEO: 8 AQHA halter points, 198 performance points, ROM Cutting-Open, Superior Cutting-Open, 198 AQHA open cutting points, NCHA $22,777.22. 1969 AQHA Open High Point Cutting Horse, 1969 Open NCHA World Champion-5th Place, 1967 AQHA Open High Point Cutting Horse - 6th Place Honor Roll, Cutting Champ. Awards: COA, bronze. Siring foals earning $269,972.00, 2 Reserve World Championships, 2 Superior Awards, 21 ROMs, 767.5 AQHA PTS.
MIGHTY BARS: AQHA H-14/P-0. AQHA Champion, AQHA Race, SI-95, AAA, ROM Race.
LEO PRINCESS: Daughter of the legendary LEO. ROM RACE OFFSPRING: Princess Dial (1965) by Johnny Dial, Quincy Dial (1966) by Johnny Dial. SUPERIOR HALTER OFFSPRING: Quincy Dan (1961) by Mighty Bars.
JOE REED II: AQHA HALL OF FAME. ROM Perf., 1943 RC World Champion Racing Stallion from 1942 to 1946, 100% foundation. Offspring Record: Reg. foals 347, Halter pts. earned: 49, Performance pts. earned: 79, Performance ROMs: 4, Race Earnings: $272,246., Stakes Winners: 9, 90+ ROMs: 11, Race ROMs: 66, Superior Race: 6, Race Offspring Wins: 479, AQHA offspring NCHA LTE: $5,187., AQHA offspring NSBA LTE: $45.
TINKY POO: AQHA Champion. H-25, P-4, AQHA Race, SI-85, AA, 22-4-3-1, $2,445. ROMs Halter & Race. Sire Of: ROM RACE: 23, 4-AQHA Champions, 6-ROM ARENA winners, 1-Honor Roll winner.
THREE BARS: AQHA HALL OF FAME: The leading sire of racing Quarter Horses for many years. Three Bars was the sire of 29 AQHA Champions, 4 AQHA Supreme Champions, 317 Racing Register of Merit earners, and his foals earned more than $3 million. SEVEN AQHA HALL OF FAME OFFSPRING.
LASSIES DREAM: AQHA Race, SI-100/AAAT/ROM, 11-3-5-0, $3,132. 1955 Champion 2yo Filly. Dam of ROM Race: Lassie Bar Lady (61) by Three Bars(TB) Magnolia Bar (59) by Three Bars(TB). AQHA Champion Offspring.
JULIOS BAR: AQHA H-18/P-9, AQHA Champion, ROM Arena, Race SI-85, AA, 11-2-0-1, $1,295. SIRE OF: AQHA Champion.
LEO SAN: AQHA HALL OF FAME. Son of the legendary LEO. NCHA $700+, Sired 404 foals in 14 crops. LEADING SIRE of ROM arena qualifiers, SIRE of 9 AQHA Champions SIRE of Honor Roll Halter Offspring, high point halter and performance offspring SIRE of ROM Race and ROM producing Dams.
5.08% LEO