PLEASANT VIEW KING: WORLD CHAMPION. NATIONAL CHAMPION, PREMIER PERCHERON SIRE. SIRE of WORLD CHAMPIONS, NATIONAL CHAMPIONS and ALL-AMERICAN CHAMPIONS. Pleasant View King has topped the prestigious PREMIER SIRE list six times (2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 and 2009). The Premier Sire award, presented annually by the PHAA, is a means of identifying the top sires each year via the show results of their offspring. 2020 TOP TEN PERCHERON SIRES- #1. Numerous published wins and accolades. World renowned SIRE of several high-profile show, halter and hitch horses. Record breaking offspring at production sales.
MG'S PRINCE: PREMIER PERCHERON SIRE, RESERVE WORLD CHAMPION, RESERVE ALL-AMERICAN CHAMPION. World renowned SIRE of 3 WORLD CHAMPIONS and multiple NATIONAL CHAMPIONS. By the famous MCGEE and out of the mare JOANNA LAET. There are a few instances in the past 100+ years when the Percheron breed has experienced significant impacts from a prolific stallion or mare. MG'S PRINCE is one of those stallions that left his mark in the stud books. MG'S PRINCE unarguably played a significant role in establishing the Percheron's dominance within the draft breeds in the areas of length of neck and proud head carriage. SIRE of STERLINGS THUNDERSTIK. While MG'S PRINCE was showing, Prince's son, Sterling's Thunderstik, was taking the tanbark by storm, winning Grand Champion Stallion at the World Percheron Congress, The National Percheron Show, the Keystone International and the Michigan State Fair and doing it all as a two year old. Prince would ultimately go on to SIRE two other World Champion stallions, PLEASANT VIEW KING (Calgary, 1998) and BLUE RIBBON FARMS PRINCE (Lexington, 2006). As impressive an individual as he, himself, was, MG PRINCE'S legacy is most certainly cemented by his production record in the breeding barn. He maintained a comfortable place as the Premier Percheron Sire for many years, as his offspring dominated in the show ring, and, during the second half of the 90's and into the first decade of the 21st century, Prince's offspring also commanded high prices at public auctions across the country. Prince had this profound impact on the Percheron breed despite his relatively limited use as a (predominantly) natural-cover stallion a further testament to his genetic strength and consistent production record. Article excerpts credited to PHAoA Education and Charitable Fund.Peter Stone Collector Model Horse, limited edition, MG's PRINCE model.
IRONWOOD BEAUREGARD: NATIONAL CHAMPION, ALL-AMERICAN CHAMPION, PREMIER PERCHERON SIRE LIST. Ironwood Beauregard is a Percheron stallion who has withstood the tests of time. A National Champion and All American in his day, he sired numerous champion and All American offspring, and his Get were well received in sale rings all across the country. Beauregard's winning sons and daughters propelled him to as high as #2 on the Premier Percheron Sire list, and many breeding programs today can trace their bloodlines back to this prolific horse. Bred in the purple, Beauregard was sired by Cousteau, the Res. All American son of South Valley Prince Ha Ha, (bred by Mrs. R.L. Robinson), and he was out of the mare Blackhome Shirley Lyn, who was a Highview Dragano daughter from Blackhome Connie Lyn (one of the great, winning daughters of Reg Black's renowned foundation mare, College Lynda). Article excerpts credited to: PHAoA Education and Charitable Fund.
McGEE: 2x NATIONAL CHAMPION, TORANTO ROYAL CHAMPION, MULTIPLE GRAND CHAMPIONS across several State Fairs. Mc Gee was a prolific stallion, leaving sons and daughters that would be responsible and credited for ushering in a new era of Percheron Draft horses, even generations down the line you will hear breeders and showmen talking about genetics "tracing back to" McGee. SIRE of 6x ALL-AMERICAN CHAMPION, RESERVE WORLD CHAMPION, PREMIER PERCHERON SIRE, RESERVE ALL-AMERICAN and multiple other notable names and accomplished offspring.
BLACKHOME DUKE: PREMIER SIRE, undefeated for 8 years 1990-1998. After his death, he remained on the list for 5 years, and today his offspring continue to earn rankings on the list. NATIONAL CHAMPION, RESERVE WORLD CHAMPION.Produced a great number of champion offspring, including numerous National Champions and All Americans that became household names in the Percheron industry. SIRE of multiple: WORLD CHAMPIONS, NATIONAL CHAMPIONS, ALL-AMERICAN CHAMPIONS, PREMIER SIRES. The winning ways of the Blackhome Duke sons and daughters allowed him to dominate the Premier Percheron sire list for 9 consecutive years. The profound consistency of Duke’s production record has established him as one of the most prolific Percheron stallions of the past several decades. His sons and daughters have carried on in their sire’s footsteps, producing many All Americans, National, and World Champions which have served to cultivate a course for the modern Percheron. As a result, traces of this stallion can be found in a large portion of Percheron pedigrees today, and a keen-eyed breeder will still be able to appreciate the influence of his characteristic balance, style and presence that bleeds through yet today. Blackhome Duke’s production record has proven him to be a very equal peer to some of the greatest sires in the history of the breed, and he will be undoubtedly remembered as such for generations to come. Article excerpts credited to: PHAoA Education and Charitable fund.
COUSTEAU: RESERVE CHAMPION ALL-AMERICAN, GRAND CHAMPION Canadian Royal Winter Fair, Cousteau had a successful show career in the States- earning Reserve All American accolades during one of the most competitive eras of conformation showing in Percheron history. As can be seen in this photo of the stallion in his prime, Cousteau was a picture of balance. In 1990, Cousteau traveled north to the Kemp Family's Ironwood Farms where he rose to greater prominence as several of his get began to take show rings across the continent by storm. Most notably, his son, Ironwood Beauregard, out of the Highview Dragano daughter Blackhome Shirley Lyn, would go on to become a National Champion, All American and perennial top-contender on the Percheron Horse Association of America's Premier Sire list. He too, has earned a deserving spot in the history books, as his sons and daughters topped public auctions, All American lists and hitch and halter competitions throughout the late 90's and early 2000's. Like so many great sires, Cousteau was utilized by a number of breeders throughout his lifetime, and during his tenure in Canada. Cousteau's size, quality and presence contributed to his show ring successes, while his wealth of genetics and dominance as a sire enabled him to produce the kind of offspring that has solidified him as one of the great sires of the past. Like so many stallions, Cousteau's production record was one of quality over quantity, and by siring just a few of the most dominant show and breeding horses of his era, the stallion's legacy has been perpetuated and preserved for generations to come. SIRE of: WORLD CHAMPIONS, NATIONAL CHAMPIONS, ALL-AMERICAN CHAMPION, PREMIER SIRE LIST top contenders. Article excerpts credited to: PHAoA Education and Charitable fund.
DID: Total count of 87 Registered Foals. South Valley Did-It’s first registered offspring is perhaps his most famous. The Did-It son, named DID would make a mark in the showring as well as the Percheron stud book. As the sire of the renowned MCGEE, DID finds himself in the pedigrees of a significant percentage of today’s Percherons. Mc Gee was a prolific stallion, leaving sons and daughters that would be responsible and credited for ushering in a new era of Percheron Draft horses. DID’s dam, Princess, would be crossed with South Valley Did-It no less than 15 times, producing notable show and breeding horses with an uncommon regularity.
SOUTH VALLEY PRINCE HAHA: South Valley Prince Ha Ha was, in many ways, a horse ahead of his time, and arguably underappreciated in his day. History would go on to show the horse’s forte was in producing offspring with an uncommon amount of heart, drive and four-corner motion for the era. In addition to siring offspring that would produce the next generation of harness champions, South Valley Prince Ha Ha, himself, sired several tanbark winners within the halter ring, many have become well-known by reputation, albeit more for their contributions in the breeding barn than their show ring accolades, topping and breaking records at public sales. It was his in-tact son, the stallion YY Extreme, out of the mare Shady Creek Daisy, (she a daughter of Windsong’s Roulette a stallion by Blackhome Duke and out of Windsong’s Annie Dragano), that would set the record for highest selling Percheron of all time at public auction, selling for the sum of $105,000. South Valley Prince Ha Ha’s legacy was not only sustained, but completely created, by what his breeding sons and daughters have contributed to Percheron history, rather than his own accomplishments in the showring. This consequential stallion serves as a great reminder that horses ahead of their time are often underappreciated becoming revered more in reminiscence than they were during their lifetimes. Luckily, South Valley Prince Ha Ha proved to be a dominant breeder, as he managed to leave a lasting impact on the breed, and did so despite relatively limited use. Article excerpts credited to: PHAoA Education and Charitable fund.
MIDNIGHT CONTESSA: SOUTH VALLEY DID-IT daughter Midnight Contessa would make her mark on the breed as the dam to the ALL AMERICAN CHAMPION stallion, TROPHY and the RESERVE ALL AMERICANS, CAMIELLE and COUSTEAU. Contessa’s full brother, Count On It, would head south to Ohio, where he was utilized for numerous breeding seasons.
SOUTH VALLEY DID-IT: GRAND CHAMPION CALGARY EXHIBITION & STAMPEDE. An important and influential stallion in the modern Percheron breed, the Canadian-born son of Justamere Showtime, South Valley Did-It, needs little introduction. This stallion can be credited with building numerous breeding programs and leaving a long-standing impact on our breed. Did-It’s different strain of bloodline, along with a front end far ahead of its time, propelled him to prominence as numerous horsemen and women found breeding niches with the horse when he was crossed with the premier American mare lines of that day. South Valley Did-It’s first registered offspring is perhaps his most famous. The Did-It son, named DID, would make a mark in the showring as well as the Percheron stud book. As the sire of the renowned Mc Gee, DID finds himself in the pedigrees of a significant percentage of today’s Percherons. DID’s dam, Princess, would be crossed with South Valley Did-It no less than 15 times, producing notable show and breeding horses with an uncommon regularity. It is interesting to note that some of South Valley Did-It’s most famous and prolific offspring came from the era in which he was owned and utilized by Mrs. R.L. Robinson. However, during this time frame, he rarely registered more than a half-dozen colts each year nevertheless, a significant percentage of them would go on to prominence. Not the least of these was the Robinson bred mare and Did-It daughter, Midnight Contessa. Midnight Contessa would make her mark on the breed as the dam to the Robinson-bred All American stallion, Trophy and the Reserve All Americans, Camille and Cousteau. His last foal was registered in 1994 24 years and 3 days after South Valley Did-It was foaled. The longevity of this horse, and the staying power of both his bloodline and contributions to the breed speak volumes to the quality and dominance of this sire. South Valley Did-It will always be remembered as an important cog in the wheels of Percheron progress, and his many prolific descendants carry a similar torch onward, today. Undoubtedly, in the coming years, we will find ourselves discussing subsequent generations and prominent horses that have received their stamp of greatness, in part, from this legendary sire.
MAVERICK: 4x NATIONAL CHAMPION, 2x TORONTO CANADIAN ROYAL CHAMPION. Maverick was grand champion at the National Percheron Show in Ohio in 1974, ‘75, ‘76 and ‘77. He was bred by Bob Eschrich, Jr., Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Bob was a Wisconsin breeder who kept the lamps burning in the ‘50s and ‘60s. Maverick was sired by Drake Farms Chief, one of the breed saving sires of that period. 50 years ago Secretariat would win the Triple Crown races, Maverick at that time was the Percherons Secretariat. Seldom beaten in the showring as 2 and 3 yr old. Sired by 9 time Premier sire Drake Farms Chief. Top broodmare sire. SIRE of NATIONAL CHAMPION.
CHIEF MAX: Chief Max is ranked #10 sired by the famous DRAKE FARMS CHIEF, Great Percheron horses. Chief Max (1965). His sire was Drake's Farm Chief (1953). Then Morden Chief (1946). Chief Laet (1932). Sir Laet. And the great Laet (1919). Dam side: Topper.
JUSTAMERE SHOWTIME: A renowned Percheron stallion and multiple champion sire. Sire of the famous stallion, VALLEY VISTA KNIGHTIME.
Just off of the backside of the 5 generation above is: DON LAET, LA REX, LA DON, SIR LAET, TOPPER, DRAGANO, DRAKE FARMS CHIEF, MODERN CHIEF.
A&B Farms Jack: